Co-financed projects

FirLab S.r.l. is a beneficiary of the Firlab-Invest4.0 project, co-financed with POR-CReO FESR 2014-2020 funds, Action 3.1.1. sub-action 3.1.1a3), Call for Aid aimed at containing and combating the epidemiological emergency COVID-19 – Call for Investment Fund.
The Firlab-Invest4.0 investment project was aimed at encouraging the recovery of investments by the FIRLAB company, and, at the same time, countering the epidemiological emergency COVID-19, overcoming the critical issues that emerged and thus guaranteeing the resumption of economic activities.
In particular, the company has provided itself with machinery and equipment functional to the digitalization of internal processes, such as servers, monitors, printers, projectors, portable and fixed PCs, cloud services for the management and monitoring of operations, strictly interconnected to the company system of production.
Project StaffRoster Time attendances
Firlab S.r.l. is a beneficiary of the “StaffRoster Time attendances” project, co-financed with funds POR-CReO FESR 2014 – 2020 – “DIGITAL MICROINNOVATION OF ENTERPRISES”, through the activation of the specialized consultancy of Dr Wolf S.r.l. and Resolvo S.r.l.
The objective of the project is to create a “Cloud Computing” type demonstrator for the management of human resources, that is an SRTime module for the management of Time & amp, attendance, connected to the StaffRoster system, a workforce management system (WFM ), already offered by the company Firlab Srl. The development also envisaged an internal company reorganization, in relation to the impact of the product on the organizational structures. This reorganization also includes the will to implement Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies.

Artificial Intelligence for the Management of Shifts
Progetto co-finanziato dal POR CreO FESR Toscana 2014-2020 – Bandi RS 2020 LINEA 1.1.4 Azione 1.1.5 – Sub-azione a1 – Bando 2
Progetti di ricerca e sviluppo delle MPMI
Attraverso l’implementazione di Grid Computing e Intelligenza Artificiale, il progetto è volto a rendere la suite StaffRoster lo strumento di elezione per gestire modelli organizzativi del lavoro con fabbisogno basato sulle attività (Activity Driven).
- Obiettivo Operativo 1 – Grid Computing: la frontiera più avanzata dell’utilizzo di sistemi informativi in Cloud. Si potrà aumentare esponenzialmente la potenza a disposizione degli algoritmi di StaffRoster.
- Obiettivo Operativo 2: individuazione di algoritmi innovativi per gestire il caso Activity Driven.
- Obiettivo Operativo 3 – Tools analisi scenari: procedere a simulazioni what-if e gestire eventi in real time. L’obiettivo da raggiungere è permettere agli utenti del software di creare set di scenari per stimare l’impatto di regole differenti.
- Obiettivo Operativo 4: assicurare l’ingegnerizzazione del prototipo all’interno di StaffRoster, e procedere all’unione di tutti gli sviluppi con la validazione dell’intero percorso progettuale tramite performance test.
Il progetto è realizzato in partenariato da un’associazione di un’impresa (Firlab Srl) e un organismo di ricerca pubblico (UNIFI – Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione).
StaffRoster integrates with HELPU
Thanks to the HELPU project – co-financed with POR-CReO FESR 2014 – 2020 funds – ANNOUNCEMENT in 2018 – Support for MSME for the acquisition of innovation services – of which Firlab srl is the beneficiary, StaffRoster can be integrated with HELPU, the application which aims to improve the quality of customer relations. The project lasts 6 months and involves the collaboration of the Firlab Srl Beneficiary with the suppliers Dr Wolf Srl and Resolvo Srl.
The goal of the project is to develop the HELPU application, which aims to be a tool for integrating Customer Care services into third-party applications. HELPU will then integrate with the StaffRoster product.

StaffRoster cloud and Continuous Integration
Project funded within the framework of the POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020 Aid for MSME for the acquisition of Innovative Services Line 1.3B
The project aims to introduce innovation in the management of the development process by identifying best practice project management methodologies and adopting tools that allow the project to be conducted without deviating from the operational objectives. In addition to this, techniques will be introduced to verify and check the quality of the code and test suites for product validation from a functional point of view.
The project also aims to implement and test a private cloud-type technological infrastructure for the application of SaaS mode using only Open Source software. Docker technology will be adopted to manage the delivery phase. Finally, the appropriate load test and validation suites for the infrastructure itself will be set up, which are essential for evaluating the costs of setting up a new customer installation.
My StaffRoster
Project funded within the framework of the POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
Firlab srl, beneficiary of the MyStaffRoster project – co-financed with POR-CReO FESR 2014 – 2020 funds – CALL A – Support to SMEs for the acquisition of innovation services. The MyStaffRoster project is aimed at creating a smartphone app for staff scheduling and planning, aimed at company employees to manage their shifts and past and future absences. The project has a duration of 12 months and sees the collaboration of the beneficiary Firlab Srl with the suppliers Dr Wolf Srl and Resolvo Srl.